必威体育登录手机The Agilent CrossLab iLab team quickly responded to customer needs for social distancing in the lab by making functionality within their scheduling software easily accessible to those looking for a scalable solution on a short timeline.This software enables users to reserve specific resources and spaces, control access to sensitive or validated equipment, and track utilization.

Multiple requests for a quick and easy-to-implement calendaring capability triggered some out-of-the-box thinking and collaboration across several functions within the iLab team to bring the enhanced functionality to market in weeks, instead of months.
"Academia and biopharma organizations knew we had the ability, but not yet the offering, so the team jumped at the chance to innovate," said Chris Lopes, head of Global Business Development for iLab."Our R&D, Customer Success, and Marketing teams pivoted quickly to develop the templates and process to collect customer requirements and establish an out-of-box calendaring solution, fast."
The result is a simple, standardized iLab module that lab managers and operators in various industries can purchase to help them schedule shared spaces—laboratories, office spaces and individual instruments—but with greater flexibility and control than an Outlook or Google Calendar.必威体育登录手机Forgoing the months-long lead time typical of a complete iLab Operations Software customization and installation, this new offering enables Agilent to create simple, user-friendly calendars for hundreds of lab spaces and equipment in just a few weeks based on a standardized input template.
"We really had to change our thinking on this one, balancing the benefits of our highly customizable iLab software with the speed that comes from off-the-shelf standardization of our product," said Lopes."Ideally, users can upgrade, customize or add-on other iLab Operations modules for a more complete, enterprise-level experience in due course, but this new offering now appeals to a broader market—anyone challenged with laboratory resources that need to find better ways to work while respecting the relevant safety and social distancing guidelines from their local authorities."
Various options , including demos and user training , are available to introduce this software to customers across multiple markets.As social distancing regulations evolve with the continued spread of the coronavirus, this new offering from iLab is sure to help customers adjust and evolve their return-to-work plans and gain as much efficiency as possible from their team and facilities.