A Message from Vice President, Mike Zhang

"We are excited to introduce the 8850 GC, a cutting-edge instrument that leverages the latest technological advancements," stated必威体育登录手机Mike Zhang, vice president and general manager, Gas Phase Separations Division at Agilent.
必威体育登录手机"Incorporating engineering excellence and the intelligence of Agilent's smart GC portfolio, this compact, rugged GC is poised to revolutionize analytical labs across various industries.It delivers answers quickly and efficiently while significantly reducing physical space and energy requirements."
必威体育登录手机Agilent 8850 GC - Addressing Challenges Labs Face Today
Modern labs face the seemingly contrasting goals of maximizing analytical capacity with limited bench space while reducing the overall environmental impact of their operations.In response, lab managers strive to get the most productivity out of every square foot of their facility by maximizing instrument uptime and ensuring optimal use of all available bench space.Meeting sustainability goals amid these pressures requires an unwavering focus on the efficiency of lab operations and individual workflow components.
Visit the 8850 GC product page
必威体育登录手机The Agilent 8850 GC: Huge Benefits in a Compact Package

At Home on Any Bench- the 8850 GC is small enough, rugged enough, and simple enough to operate close to process areas, so you can monitor your production processes without interruption.
Familiar Consumables- the system uses the same consumables as the 8890 and 8860 GCs and is compatible with the same columns as the 6850 GC.A wide choice of 5" capillary and packed metal columns is available to suit your every application.
Inlets and Detectors for Your Analytical Needs必威体育登录手机- quality Agilent GC detectors and inlets provide the selectivity and sensitivity that your application requires.Analyze diverse samples with your choice of split/splitless, purged packed, or cool on-column inlets, as well as flame ionization (FID) and thermal conductivity (TCD) detectors.
Full-Function Touch Screen- the available touch screen provides a visual report of the system configuration, allowing you to update the active method, perform routine maintenance, and check GC instrument status.
No-Hassle Maintenance- a unique top-opening lid lifts the column out of the oven, allowing convenient access to inlet and detector connections.Easy-open side panels let you reach key internal components when needed.
Visit the 8850 GC product page to learn more about this innovative instrument
Application Notes
必威体育登录手机Method Translation for the Analysis of Vanilla Extracts Using an Agilent 8850 GC System with Helium Conservation Module for Carrier Gas Switching
In flavor houses around the globe, analyzing and understanding flavor and fragrance materials' composition is the heart of the work for both quality control (QC) and research and development (R&D) laboratories.必威体育登录手机This application note highlights the performance of the Agilent 8850 single channel GC for the successful implementation of a common, yet long, GC method for the detailed separation of flavors used in R&D laboratories as well as the successful implementation of a fast method suitable for QC analyses.
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必威体育登录手机The Analysis of Monocyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by ASTM D7504 on the Agilent 8850 GC System
Conventional and high-speed approaches using helium or hydrogen carrier gas .必威体育登录手机This application note highlights the speed and precision of the Agilent 8850 single-channel GC applied to both a conventional separation (39 minutes) and fast separation (6.05 minutes) of common aromatic contaminants described in ASTM D7504.
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必威体育登录手机Residual Solvents Analysis for the Pharmaceutical Industry Using the Agilent 8697 Headspace Sampler and 8850 GC-FID System
The manufacturing process for active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) may contribute to residual solvents remaining in the final product.Due to regulatory requirements, producers need to monitor and control the levels of residual solvents.必威体育登录手机In this work, an Agilent 8850 gas chromatography (GC) system coupled with an Agilent 8697 headspace sampler was applied to the residual solvents analysis following the USP Method <467>.
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Celebrating 50 Years of GC Column Innovation
必威体育登录手机2024 marks Agilent's J&W GC columns 50th anniversary.必威体育登录手机For over 50 years, Agilent's key innovations have shaped todays' modern capillary gas GC columns.必威体育登录手机In the early years of capillary columns, Agilent, J&W Scientific, and Chrompack delivered industry-first innovations, such as the invention of fused silica capillary tubing, the first cross-linked bonded phase, and the introduction of the first PLOT capillary column.
必威体育登录手机Learn more about Agilent's 50 years of GC columns innovation