必威体育登录手机The Agilent Foundation supports the company's mission to advance the quality of life.The Foundation has two key areas of focus:

  • Working to ensure safe water, air quality and food supplies, along with addressing climate change!and,
  • Seeking to expand economic opportunity in STEM fields by supporting STEM education for underrepresented communities.

This page features highlights from initiatives in these areas as well as our approach to supporting employees in their philanthropic efforts.


Expanding Opportunities for Careers in STEM

必威体育登录手机To help expand the diversity of talent in the life sciences, Agilent is proud to partner with historically black colleges and universities in the mid-Atlantic Region of the U.S., where the company has a significant presence and several thousand employees.

必威体育登录手机The Agilent Foundation donated $1 million to DSU to help fund a scholarship program for 21 students pursuing STEM degrees.必威体育登录手机We are also equipping the school's new labs with Agilent instruments and software, including mass spectrometers and flow-cytometer systems, and are launching aninternship program for STEM students.

必威体育登录手机The goal is to encourage and support more Black students in the pursuit of careers in STEM and provide them with mentorship from Agilent's scientist and engineers.


必威体育登录手机Agilent President and CEO Mike McMullen meets with scholars from Delaware State University.

Engaging Employees through Philanthropy

必威体育登录手机The Agilent Foundation strives to support its employees in giving back to the communities and causes important to them.In addition to Foundation directed initiatives, our giving programs are also designed to support employees in directly engaging in the causes and in the communities important to them.必威体育登录手机The result is a sustainable and impactful program that our employees feel deeply connected to, while also being true to our One Agilent culture and our mission to advance the quality of life.

Generous Matching Gifts

Generous Matching Gifts

必威体育登录手机Agilent will match employee donations of up to $25,000 per year for the charitable causes of their choice.This covers more than 2 million million organizations on our matching gift platform.If employees don't find the cause of their choice, they can nominate it for inclusion.

Rewards for Volunteering

Rewards for Volunteering

Employees can receive $25 per hour from the Foundation for volunteering during their free time.These funds are then donated to the cause of their choice, from scouting troops and youth sports to food pantries and homeless shelters.

Time Off to Volunteer

Time Off to Volunteer

必威体育登录手机Agilent gives employees 48 hours per year of paid time off to volunteer for their favorite causes.Employees conduct this work in their communities, and even travel the globe giving their time and expertise to help those in need.

Additional Programs We're Supporting

Advancing Gender Equity in Math and Physics

Advancing Gender Equity in Math and Physics

The Foundation granted $100,000, generously matched by the Simons Foundation, contributing to an endowment to fund research stays for female mathematicians at Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, a foundational mathematical research center.必威体育登录手机IHES, like Agilent, advocates for women in STEM.必威体育登录手机Agilent's office in France is minutes away.Our employees have participated in IHES sponsored events for Women in STEM and we learn from each other's experiences, actions and networks.

Advancing STEM education in Uganda

Advancing STEM education in Uganda

Musana empowers communities to "be the change" by creating sustainable enterprises that break the cycle of dependency and build pathways out of poverty.Educating K-12 students in STEM is one part of their work.The Foundation granted $25,000 to supply a chemistry lab at Musana's newest high school that will be used by thousands of students, allowing them to engage in practical, hands-on scientific work.必威体育登录手机One of Agilent's employees has used their Volunteer Time Off to go to Uganda and work with the students.

Equipping Labs in Sub-Saharan Africa

Equipping Labs in Sub-Saharan Africa

There are brilliant scientists all over the world, but not all have the resources to do their best work.必威体育登录手机Agilent is uniquely positioned to help.The company recently donated high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) software packages to eight academic research departments in four sub-Saharan African nations—Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe.必威体育登录手机In turn, the Foundation donated $25,000 to help Seeding Labs ship donations of equipment to its beneficiaries and several Agilent employees volunteer with Seeding Labs offering expert consulting and fundraising services.

Contact us

必威体育登录手机If you have questions about Agilent's Foundation or Agilent's Philanthropic Programs, please reach out toSally Frank, manager, Philanthropic Programs.

Please note, the Foundationdoes notaccept unsolicited grant proposals.
