
Refine Results

Gas Chromatography (454)
Liquid Chromatography (273)
Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS) (270)
Cell Analysis (264)
Molecular Spectroscopy (244)
Applications and Industries
Food & Beverage Testing (1176)
Environmental (1077)
Pharma & Biopharma Applications (776)
Energy & Chemicals (672)
Forensics (348)
Content Type
GC (1373)
GC-Capillary (1201)
LC (473)
GC/MS (247)
GC-Megabore 0.53 mm ID (216)
CP-Sil 5 CB (139)
ZORBAX Eclipse Plus C18 (88)
CP-Wax 52 CB (82)
PoraPLOT Q (63)
Poroshell 120 EC-C18 (61)
pesticides (113)
solvents (96)
gases (82)
flavours and aromas (67)
drugs (57)
methane (185)
toluene (165)
ethane (150)
benzene (146)
methanol (142)
FID (862)
MS (279)
TCD (170)
UV (167)
DAD (93)
split (702)
valve (607)
splitless (147)
on column (116)
direct (96)
必威体育登录手机Agilent 1290 Infinity (118)
必威体育登录手机Agilent 1260 Infinity (95)
Micro-GC (66)
必威体育登录手机Agilent 1200 (64)
必威体育登录手机Agilent 6460 (54)
EPA 8270 (13)
USP 467 (10)
EPA 610 (9)
EPA 625 (6)
ASTM D-2887 (6)
In the Last 30 Days (19)
In the Last 6 Months (124)
In the Last 12 Months (252)
In the Last 24 Months (627)
Over 24 Months Ago (5783)

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