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Describes the Reconstitution application for the Bravo Metabolomics Sample Prep Platform.The app automatically re-suspends the contents of up to 96 wells in a sample plate for downstream processing.
- Publication Part Number: G5589-90003
- Created: 26 May 2020
- 847 KB
Describes the Bravo Metabolomics Sample Prep Platform and how to access the applications and utilities, workflows, and labware requirements.
- Publication Part Number: G5589-90000
- Created: 26 May 2020
- 2 MB
Describes the Off-site Plasma Metabolite Extraction application for the Bravo Metabolomics Sample Prep Platform.The app performs sample prep on up to 96 plasma samples collected off site (off-deck sample quenching performed at the collection site)....
- Publication Part Number: G5589-90002
- Created: 26 May 2020
- 918 KB
Describes how to use the Reagent Transfer utility, which transfers samples or reagents from a source plate to a destination plate.This utility is useful for sample manipulation and reagent preparation operations.
- Publication Part Number: G5589-90006
- Created: 26 May 2020
- 408 KB
Describes the utility that automatically transfers pipette tips for the Bravo Metabolomics Sample Prep Platform.The utility is used to prepare the labware for the workbench applications.
- Publication Part Number: G5589-90004
- Created: 26 May 2020
- 391 KB