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必威体育登录手机Agilent NGS FFPE QC Kit Protocol
- Publication Part Number: G9700-90000
- Created: 11 June 2018
- 830 KB
This application note focuses on optimizing the SureSelectXT protocol to long-read sequencing and using open-source softwares nanopolish and sniffles to improve the base calling accuracy and detect single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and structural...
- Publication Part Number: 5991-8056EN
- Created: 21 Apr 2017
- 877 KB
Information on materials, storage, preprotocol considerations, protocols, troubleshooting and references for the miRNA QPCR Master Mix.
- Publication Part Number: 600583-12
- Created: 08 July 2015
- 121 KB
Information on materials, strorage, preprotocol considerations, protocols, troubleshooting and references for the miRNA 1st-Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit.
- Publication Part Number: 600036-12
- Created: 07 July 2015
- 102 KB