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必威体育登录手机Agilent Data Protection and Privacy Program

必威体育登录手机At Agilent, we recognize the importance of data protection and privacy.We are committed to acting in accord with our values, particularly those of Uncompromising Integrity and Accountability, in handling personal data and being a responsible data steward and a trusted partner in this digital and global business environment.We will treat the collection of data according to the applicable laws, and in line with our privacy principles of respecting individual rights, acting with transparency, and embedding privacy in our design.


We are actively monitoring and adapting our program to the emerging privacy and security regulations around the globe and the unparalleled shift to digital interactions due to the Covid-19 pandemic.必威体育登录手机Agilent continues to build upon our comprehensive principles-based data protection and privacy program, emphasizing the provision of appropriate privacy notices, acting with transparency and in accordance with our notices and embedding data protection and privacy-by-design into both our products and business operations.We do so while adapting our approaches to cater to remote workforces, online collaboration and increased digital interactions with our customers.必威体育登录手机We continue to develop and deliver new data protection and privacy content, communications, and training to engage Agilent's global employee base and support our commitments to protect the data entrusted to us.

To further embed privacy into our business, we operate a global Data Subject Access Request (DSAR) intake and response process to ensure we provide timely responses to all individual data privacy rights requests.必威体育登录手机In addition, Agilent has a comprehensive Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) process to systematically assess and evaluate risk for new and changed uses of personal data.

必威体育登录手机Agilent's Data Protection and Privacy program governance strategy includes a Data Privacy Board with Senior Management across the entire business, complemented by dedicated Privacy Champions in each function, responsible for acting as the voice of privacy in their functional area.We have leveraged and expanded our Program's processes and governance strategy to address newly emerging privacy regulations across the globe.


必威体育登录手机Agilent is a global organization with a network of affiliates to best serve our customers around the world.必威体育登录手机Agilent transfers personal data (mainly contact information) to provide customers with our products and services, to process and ship orders, respond to questions, provide troubleshooting, optimize products and services, and other related customer services from our global team.必威体育登录手机Agilent uses adequate personal data transfer mechanisms, where applicable, which include standard contractual clauses among Agilent affiliates entities.必威体育赛事投注If you are a customer in China and have questions about cross border data transfer consent, please contact 4008207008 for DGG products, and 4008203278 for all other product lines..


必威体育登录手机Agilent implements appropriate technical and organizational security measures to protect the data we process, including personal data.必威体育登录手机We have dedicated teams, policies, and processes for Information Security, and we require Agilent employees to complete annual training about Cyber Security.A description of our approach to Information Security can be found here.必威体育登录手机Agilent's main Data Center isISO27001 certified必威体育登录手机with additional information on Agilent certifications available here.


必威体育登录手机For full details of how Agilent protects personal data please visit our privacy statementhere.


必威体育登录手机If you have further questions about Agilent's Data Protection and Privacy Program, International Data Transfers, or to exercise your data subject rights, please contact us via必威体育登录手机data-protection.officer@agilent.comor by filling out the form availablehere.
