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MetaTox-HS: Advanced Solutions
High Sensitivity Metabolism
and Toxicity Assays
Drug failure and high development cost (est.€2.3bn/new drug) have driven enormous growth in market need for scientific tests and disease models that better translate between the laboratory and bedside.
必威体育登录手机Luxcel Biosciences Ltd (now a part of Agilent Technologies) has prototyped a platform of low cost, flexible, easy to use and accessible in vitro必威体育赛事投注cell metabolism and toxicity test kits (in development) and consumable products (MitoXpress UHS ®and dOxycheck™) made possible through innovative synergy of fluorescence nanosensor technology, together with advanced polymer microfabrication and electronic engineering.
The MetaTox-HS project必威体育登录手机H2020 SME Instrument €1m funding enables Luxcel Biosciences Ltd (now a part of Agilent Technologies) to complete the development and bring these innovative products to market.
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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 SMEInst-2016-2017 under grant agreement No 768299 (MetaTox-HS)
For Research Use Only.Not for use in diagnostic procedures.