必威体育登录手机The Agilent 7850 ICP-MS
7850 ICP-MS
必威体育登录手机Check out how the Agilent 7850 ICP mass spectrometer boosts lab efficiency and helps reclaim wasted time throughout your ICP-MS analysis.
- ICP-MS Instruments
Product Details
- Standard operating procedures and fully developed methods for regulated and routine methods save you weeks of method development and documentation time.
- Ultra High Matrix Introduction (UHMI) reduces sample preparation time by allowing you to directly analyze samples containing up to 25% total dissolved solids without dilution.
- Helium collision cell and half-mass correction remove troublesome polyatomic and doubly-charged interferences that can reduce data quality and increase the need for costly sample remeasurements.
- Robust hardware allows you to measure high matrix samples without having to matrix-match calibration standards.
- IntelliQuant gives you a complete elemental profile of each sample, helping you to easily identify unusual sample matrices.
- Outlier Conditional Formatting (OCF) reduces data review times for busy or inexperienced ICP-MS operators by highlighting results that are outside a nominated range or have failed a test requirement.
- Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF) uses sensors and counters to determine when maintenance is needed.Traffic light, color-coded alerts means maintenance tasks are never missed but are also not performed more frequently than necessary.
- ICP Go is an optional, browser-based user-interface for mobile devices offering simplified set up and control of routine sample batches and is great for ICP-MS operators on the move.
- Method-specific Analyzer packages containing ICP-MS hardware, software, consumables, professional services and documentation ensure you'll be running samples in weeks, instead of the months it can take to develop, optimize, verify and document a regulated method.
- Key Literature
必威体育登录手机The Agilent 7850 ICP-MS
This brochure describes how the 7850 ICP-MS will free your analytical workflow from common time traps.
- Brochures
- English
- 20 May 2024
- 3.70 MB
Productive Analysis of High Matrix Samples using ICP-MS with Advanced Dilution System
必威体育登录手机Autodilution of sediments and soils by Agilent ADS 2 before analysis by Agilent 7850 ICP-MS
- Application Notes
- English
- 01 Apr 2024
- 909.62 KB
Free your ICP-MS Workflow From Common Time Traps
必威体育登录手机A brief overview of the Agilent 7850 ICP-MS instrument
- Flyers
- English
- 29 Oct 2020
- 554.71 KB
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Which technique is the best fit for your needs?Compare Graphite Furnace AAS, ICP-MS and ICP-OES.
Which technique is the best fit for your needs?Compare Graphite Furnace AAS and ICP-MS.
Which technique is the best fit for your needs?Compare single quadrupole and triple quadrupole ICP-MS.
Read Reviews of the 7850 ICP-MS
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必威体育登录手机Essential Supplies Guide for Agilent ICP-MS Instruments
Discover the right supplies for your instrument to achieve peak performance and optimize your ICP-MS workflow
ICP-MS MassHunter 5.2 software now available!
ICP-MS MassHunter 5.2 brings even greater ease of use while keeping the flexibility you expect for advanced applications.Explore the new features and upgrade your software today!
- 22 Nov 2022
New Application Note: Significant performance boost for seawater analysis using UHMI with the 7850 ICP-MS.
必威体育登录手机A new application note describes how an Agilent ICP-MS system uses UHMI aerosol dilution technology to simplify high matrix sample analysis.This combination delivers faster, easier and cheaper method development, with much lower risk of contamination than traditional dilution.
- 02 May 2022