必威体育登录手机ICP Nebulizers and their Accessories to suit your Agilent ICP-MS configuration
Pneumatic Nebulizers are used to convert liquid to a fine aerosol suitable for introduction into the inductively coupled plasma to achieve ionization.The aim is to achieve particle size sub-10µm with narrow particle size distribution.必威体育登录手机Agilent provides a variety of ICP nebulizers and accessories to suit your application needs.必威体育登录手机Agilent ICP-MS nebulizers are fully supported by MassHunter software for auto start-up performance reporting and auto-tuning.
必威体育登录手机Agilent ICP-MS nebulizer offerings include standard ICP nebulizers, PFA ICP-MS inert nebulizers, and self-aspirating nebulizers.Semiconductor nebulizers to meet the needs of trace element analysis application are available for low-flow rate self-aspiration with or without integrated autosampler probe.
必威体育登录手机Agilent ICP-MS nebulizer offerings include standard ICP nebulizers, PFA ICP-MS inert nebulizers, and self-aspirating nebulizers.Semiconductor nebulizers to meet the needs of trace element analysis application are available for low-flow rate self-aspiration with or without integrated autosampler probe.