必威体育登录手机ICP-MS Spray Chambers & Components for Agilent 7700, 7800, 7900, 8800, 8900
必威体育登录手机Agilent offer ICP-MS spray chambers and spray chamber components, including ICP-MS end caps and ICP-MS connector tubes, designed for use with Agilent 7700, 7800, 7850, 7900, 8800, and 8900 ICP-MS instruments.
必威体育登录手机Agilent use Scott double-pass spray chambers.These spray chambers have excellent aerosol filtering and Peltier cooled to reduce solvent loading on the plasma, ensuring optimal signal stability and more precise results.The compatible ICP-MS end cap secures the nebulizer, and the ICP-MS connector tube connects the outlet of the spray chamber to the ICP-MS torch.
Spray chambers and other spray chamber components are available in quartz and in PFA.Quartz is the standard configuration for use with most aqueous, acidic, and organic samples.Inert PFA components are recommended for lower background with semiconductor applications, or inertness for use with hydrofluoric (HF) acid digests.
必威体育登录手机Agilent use Scott double-pass spray chambers.These spray chambers have excellent aerosol filtering and Peltier cooled to reduce solvent loading on the plasma, ensuring optimal signal stability and more precise results.The compatible ICP-MS end cap secures the nebulizer, and the ICP-MS connector tube connects the outlet of the spray chamber to the ICP-MS torch.
Spray chambers and other spray chamber components are available in quartz and in PFA.Quartz is the standard configuration for use with most aqueous, acidic, and organic samples.Inert PFA components are recommended for lower background with semiconductor applications, or inertness for use with hydrofluoric (HF) acid digests.