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Genomic DNA ScreenTape Analysis

Genomic DNA ScreenTape

Genomic DNA ScreenTape Analysis


The Genomic DNA (gDNA) ScreenTape assay, in conjunction with the TapeStation systems, offers fast and reliable automated electrophoretic separation of genomic DNA samples.This assay allows efficient separation, sizing, quantification, and integrity analysis of DNA samples ranging from 200 to over 60,000 base pairs.

For objective gDNA quality assessment, the standardized DNA Integrity Number (DIN), an established quality score, serves as the ideal quality control (QC) metric of starting material for Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS).It is applicable to samples from various sources, including formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) material.

The ScreenTape assays are compatible with all TapeStation instruments.

必威体育赛事投注Note: Some products within this assay contain SYBR™ Green I, which is licensed from Life Technologies Corporation for use in research and development only.SYBR™ is a registered trademark of Life Technologies Corporation.
For Research Use Only.Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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