NGS sample preparation workstation
BenchCel Workstation
必威体育登录手机The Agilent BenchCel workstation is an automated microplate handler capable of transferring multiple plates at once from a microplate stacker to utilities enabling barcode and other plate labeling, plate centrifugation, and plate sealing.The compact workstation can be used in any lab setting.
Hands-on time is reduced to a minimum through the automation of routine yet laborious manual microplate management tasks, increasing your lab's productivity.Save further on setup time with intuitive VWorks software, allowing you to perform microplate stacking and sealing management tasks with confidence and efficiency.
Hands-on time is reduced to a minimum through the automation of routine yet laborious manual microplate management tasks, increasing your lab's productivity.Save further on setup time with intuitive VWorks software, allowing you to perform microplate stacking and sealing management tasks with confidence and efficiency.