BioTek Cytation C10 Confocal Imaging Reader
BioTek Cytation C10 Confocal Imaging Reader
- Cell Imaging Multimode Readers
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Product Details
- Cytation C10 offers affordable, benchtop confocal imaging for every laboratory
- Confocal microscopy enables improved image quality and analysis, revealing a level of detail in samples that is not possible with widefield optics
- High-quality optical components, including the Hamamatsu sCMOS Orca camera, Semrock filters, Olympus objectives, and other well-known brands, allow the capture of stunning, publication-quality images
- Water-immersion objectives to capture more light with lower exposure times
- Combination of spinning disk confocal and widefield imaging plus multimode reader, allows the Cytation C10 to be ready for any assay with a modular, upgradable design
- An available 60 µm deep sectioning disk (DSD) allows a clear view into thicker samples
- Widefield imaging allows for faster acquisition of large samples at lower magnification, while confocal images small intracellular details or 3D samples, and both modes together provide highly multiplexed, multiparameter imaging experiments
- Environmental controls, including incubation and CO2/O2control and monitoring, facilitate live cell imaging
- Imaging plus multimode detection and the hit-picking function quickly prescreen the microplate with the plate reader optics, then automatically image the samples that meet your hit criteria, saving time and data storage capacity
- Variable bandwidth, quad monochromator plate reader optics enhance assay performance, including increased sensitivity and specificity
- Combination of confocal and widefield imaging with multimode detection increases productivity with the ability to be ready for any application
Automation Compatibility |
Camera |
Environment Control |
Imager/Reader Options |
Imaging Methods |
Imaging Modes |
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Microscope Type |
Monochromator Detection Modes |
Shaking |
Supported Labware |
Variable bandwidth for sensitivity and specificity
The Cytation plate reader optics use a quad monochromator design with variable bandwidth for enhanced assay performance.Bandwidths can be set between 9 and 50 nm in 1 nm increment.Large bandwidth settings offer increased sensitivity while small bandwidth settings deliver increased specificity for multiple signals.
Learn MoreConfocal Technology
Confocal microscopy is an optical microscopy technique that provides benefits across an expansive set of research areas, including, a higher control of depth of field, reduction in out of focus blur outside of the focal plane of interest and an improved ability to penetrate thick biology (e.g., 3D cell culture, whole organism, etc).
Learn MoreCell Counting
Accurate cell counting is a critical step across a spectrum of cell biology applications.Direct cell counting uses methods that identify and enumerate individual cells, as opposed to indirect methods that estimate population sizes using biochemical methods.
Learn MoreObject Tracking
必威体育登录手机With the incorporation of the object tracking module, available within Agilent BioTek Gen5 software for imaging and microscopy, this can be easily accomplished in a fully automated fashion.
Learn MoreAutomatic Region of Interest Identification
必威体育登录手机This process enables walk-away slide scanning for four or more slides, if combined with Agilent automation offerings, and can be used with the Agilent BioTek Lionheart automated microscopes and Agilent BioTek Cytation imaging multimode readers.
Learn MoreSpot Counting
必威体育登录手机The spot counting module available in Agilent BioTek Gen5 software enables the number of spots counted, and other information, to be tied to the original primary mask data, allowing these values to be known for each object initially identified in the image.
Learn MoreWater Immersion
Water-immersion objectives capture more light than air objectives, a trait that is especially useful in imaging workflows where the sample is typically contained within an aqueous solution and can be two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D).This enhanced light capture property leads to several key advantages and benefits that overcome challenges of imaging 3D and other thick samples.
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- 23 Nov 2021
- 72.95 KB
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- 09 Aug 2024
- 121.39 KB
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