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Human Microarrays

CGH & CGH+SNP Microarrays

CGH + SNP Microarrays

Learn about our extensive range of CGH + SNP microarrays dedicated to cytogenetic workflows.必威体育登录手机We provide whole genome CMA at variable resolutions, down to exon level, CGH+SNP arrays to analyze CN and LOH in a single experiment and application specific designs, including pre- post-natal, PGS, CNV and Cancer specific microarrays. Agilent's CGH platform provides unmatched flexibility on content and throughput, thanks to eight different microarray formats with variable density and arrays per slide.必威体育登录手机Agilent provides a database of more than 28 million validated probes, and easy tools to customize array content based on needs.必威体育登录手机Custom or catalog, all Agilent's CGH & CGH+SNP arrays benefit from proprietary SurePrint technology with long, high quality oligos.

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