GC Inlets
Injection Ports that Meet Your GC Analysis Requirements
必威体育登录手机Agilent offers gas chromatography inlets for virtually every application, from the most popular split/splitless inlet to the incredibly versatile Multimode inlet.You can choose a GC injection port that performs large-volume injection for trace analysis, allows cold injections to minimize thermal degradation of sample analytes, accommodates packed or megabore capillary columns, and more.
Electronic pneumatics control (EPC) is available on all GC inlets.This advanced technology allows automated control of pressures or flows and compensates for variations in atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature.This contributes to extremely precise retention time reproducibility and consistently high-quality results.
Electronic pneumatics control (EPC) is available on all GC inlets.This advanced technology allows automated control of pressures or flows and compensates for variations in atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature.This contributes to extremely precise retention time reproducibility and consistently high-quality results.