New intelligent必威体育登录手机Agilent LC/MS solutions
To stay competitive and adjust to changing industry requirements, you need instruments that have evolved into complete solutions for meeting your current and future challenges.Important considerations include method development time, workflow efficiency, and the ability of staff members to perform tasks reliably and consistently, regardless of skill level.
必威体育登录手机You can meet these challenges with the new Agilent Revident quadrupole time-of-flight LC/MS system (LC/Q-TOF) and Agilent 6495 triple quadrupole LC/MS (LC/TQ).Their easy-to-use onboard intelligence, harmonized operation, and complete workflow capabilities let you look beyond instrumentation and expand your lab's potential.
Staying credible and competitive means keeping up with current and future regulations, and responding quickly to emerging contaminants.Failure to do so can result in excessive method development time, regulatory fines, and revenue loss from extra testing.
Integrated with intelligent workflow solutions, the Revident LC/Q-TOF lets you identify—and quickly assess—compounds in question.Its combination of isotope fidelity, mass accuracy, and dynamic range produce outstanding spectral quality that builds a foundation of data you can rely on.And it forms the core of workflows that let you look at more compounds, retrospectively check samples without rerun, comply with regulations, and maintain your reputation.
Transforming data into meaningful biological results demands robustness, method sensitivity, and comprehensive workflows that are readily available.Developing methods and workflows on your own wastes precious time and takes your advanced staff members away from other critical tasks.
The 6495 LC/TQ overcomes these challenges.As the centerpiece of a comprehensive omics workflow, it gets your lab up and running quickly, avoiding the complications of developing methods from start to finish.
What's more, instrument intelligence features allow even novice users to rapidly become proficient at maintaining and operating the system, decreasing downtime.And it's supported by a vendor with the scientific expertise to simplify implementation.
必威体育登录手机Talk to one of our experts and discover how Agilent intelligent LC/MS systems can help you focus on what inspires you.