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miRNA Microarray Platform

Learn about our complete miRNA Microarray Platform.It includes everything you need from sample to analyzed data: Microarrays, Reagents, Scanner & Software.必威体育登录手机The Agilent SurePrint miRNA Microarrays provide a unique way to analyze your samples, thanks to a proprietary probe design and labeling method: miRNAs are directly labelled, limiting processing bias and providing optimal sensitivity & specificity. We provide catalog microarrays for human, mouse and rat and the ability to customize content using our database of probes spanning more than 250 species.The platform offers all reagents needed to process the microarrays delivering reliable and reproducible results.Our software and scanners ensure outstanding optimization of your arrays.Learn more.

miRNA Microarray Kits & Reagents

miRNA Microarray Kits & Reagents.

miRNA Microarray Scanners & Equipment

miRNA Microarray Scanners & Equipment

miRNA Microarray Software

miRNA Microarray Software

miRNA Microarray Supplies

miRNA Microarray Supplies

miRNA Microarrays

miRNA Microarray
