FISH Probes
Oligonucleotide–based FISH Probes
必威体育登录手机Agilent's unique SureFISH DNA FISH probes are designed in silico and chemically synthesized using the company's high-fidelity, oligonucleotide library synthesis (OLS) technology.This eliminates the limitations of FISH probes manufactured with bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) technology.必威体育登录手机Agilent is the only DNA FISH probe supplier that does not use BAC technology in probe manufacturing.必威体育登录手机Agilent offers three types of probes: break apart, dual fusion, and copy number.
The probes consist of a mix of two child probes (3' and 5' probes) combined in a single tube, each labeled in a different color (orange-red Cy3 and green FITC) and designed to target a given gene.
The probes consist of a mix of two child probes (3' and 5' probes) combined in a single tube, each labeled in a different color (orange-red Cy3 and green FITC) and designed to target a given gene.