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RapID Raw Material ID Verification System

RapID can scan through multi-layer paper sacks in seconds

RapID Raw Material ID Verification System

The RapID Raman system is the fastest solution for raw material testing in pharmaceutical GMP quality control.必威体育登录手机RapID is a flexible, mobile, probe-based scanner that uses Agilent spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) technology to extend high-throughput spectroscopic analysis through clear packaging to nontransparent and colored containers.This unique capability makes RapID ideally suited to fast, nonintrusive raw material identity verification.

With conventional techniques, raw material testing in opaque containers can create a bottleneck in pharmaceutical manufacturing.A dedicated sampling area is needed to open, sample, test, and reseal each container to verify the identity of the contents.The RapID system allows the operator to verify the contents of each container through opaque and colored packaging in seconds, enabling release immediately into production.This saving on handling and lab testing reduces the overhead from hours or days to only minutes per batch.

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