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Magnis NGS Prep System

Magnis NGS Prep System


The Magnis system provides a complete workflow for NGS library preparation that is fully automated and delivers reproducible results.必威体育登录手机Built on proven Agilent SureSelect XT HS2 chemistry, start from total RNA with integrated cDNA conversion or unfragmented DNA with onboard enzymatic fragmentation for increased workflow efficiency.

This new bench-top instrument self-detects and tunes!the reagents come pre-aliquoted!and pre-set protocols are included.

The system requires minimal expertise to run.The onboard wizard allows assays to be set up in under five minutes.In addition, the Magnis notifies users of correct reagent placement through automated barcode checking.Upon pressing the start button, the user can walk away from the instrument, yet visually check progress through the wizard and the LED status indicator.
For Research Use Only.Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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