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Your Partner in Oligo Pools and Oligo GMP Manufacturing

SurePrint pooled oligo synthesis is an optimized parallel DNA synthesis platform that uses microfluidic DNA writing technology to produce oligo pools with industry leading fidelity and uniformity.Our platform incorporates stringent process monitoring quality control and runs in continuous 24/7 operation for production of completely custom oligo pools in rapid turn-around-times.

As a contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO), our cGMP facilities produce clinical-grade oligonucleotide material for human therapeutics.We manufacture across a range of scales, from grams to kilograms of siRNA, antisense, aptamers, gRNA, etc.必威体育登录手机Scale your processes with Agilent from clinical trials through commercialization.

Oligonucleotide GMP Manufacturing

Accelerate Oligos from Clinic to Market

Pooled Oligo Synthesis

Uncover new targets by performing pooled screens with SurePrint Oligo Pools
