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Easy-A Hi-Fi Cloning Enzyme

Easy-A Hi-Fi Cloning Enzyme


必威体育登录手机The Agilent Easy-A high-fidelity PCR cloning enzyme is a proprietary thermostable DNA polymerase formulation specifically designed for improved cloning with the StrataClone PCR Cloning Kit or with the TOPO TA Cloning vector and other T-/U-vectors.

Easy-A combines the higher accuracy of a proofreading enzyme with the high cloning efficiency of Taq and increased specificity with added hot start antibody formulation.必威体育赛事投注PCR products amplified with Easy-A can be cloned directly, without performing the additional steps typically required when amplifying with proofreading polymerases.
For Research Use Only.Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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