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PicoMaxx High Fidelity PCR System

PicoMaxx High Fidelity PCR System


The PicoMaxx High-Fidelity PCR System detects low copy number targets in complex DNA backgrounds, amplifies difficult systems with minimal nonspecific amplification, and works with PCR applications that require prolonged incubations at room temperature prior to thermal cycling.Its robustness withstands effects of PCR inhibitors without the need for extensive purification and subsequent DNA loss.

The system is formulated with antibodies that inhibit polymerase activity until cycling begins, promoting high-specificity and reduced background.This formulation is ideal for high-throughput, multi-target amplification experiments.

必威体育赛事投注The ArchaeMaxx advantage improves the yield of products by overcoming dUTP poisoning, which is caused by dUTP accumulation during PCR through dCTP deamination.Once incorporated, dU-containing DNA inhibits the enzyme and the ArchaeMaxx factor functions as a dUTPase, converting poisonous dUTP to harmless dUMP and inorganic pyrophosphate.PicoMaxx reliably produces high PCR product yields on a wide variety of templates up to 10 Kb.
For Research Use Only.Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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