AriaMx Real-time PCR System
AriaMx has a closed-tube PCR detection format and can be used with many fluorescence detection chemistries, including SYBR Green and EvaGreen dyes, and fluorogenic probe systems such as TaqMan.Functional reporting, more than 120 attributes, and built-in diagnostics assist in troubleshooting.A modular and flexible design with intuitive touch-screen interface improves productivity.
- AriaMx Real-Time PCR (qPCR) Instrument
Product Details
- Usable with many fluorescence detection chemistries, including SYBR Green and EvaGreen dyes, and fluorogenic probe systems such as TaqMan
- Combines a novel thermal cycler, an advanced optical system with LED excitation source, and comprehensive data analysis software
- Ultrafast chemistry helps you to complete your study in a timely fashion
- Proprietary rapid hot-start enzymes and fastest industry high-resolution melt reagents
- Intuitive operation with a touch screen interface
- Modular optics and open reagent platform for increased agility
- Multiplex capability with six filters for five plexing and two to five channels
- Validated for most applications and chemistries
- Intuitive open-source software and robust data analysis with proprietary algorithms
- Instrument validated on 100,000+ samples across 14 different assays
ARIA Software - Standard with Instrument |
Accuracy |
Controller Touchscreen |
Data Acquisition Time |
Detection Sources |
Dimensions (WxDxH) |
Dynamic Range |
Excitation Source |
Max Optical Modules |
Maximum Block Ramp Rate |
Number of Peltiers |
Number of Wells |
Number of wells for multiplexing |
Optical Module Types |
PCR Uniformity |
Protocol Storage Count |
Reaction Volume |
Remote Monitoring |
Self-Installable Optical Modules |
Software Included |
Software Upgrade Statements |
Standard Warranty Length |
Thermal System Temperature Range |
- Key Literature
AriaMx Launch Flyer AriaMx 5991-9159EN
必威体育登录手机Built on Stratagene's legacy of enzyme engineering expertise and precision instruments, Agilent Technologies provides a comprehensive approach to real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR)—from sample preparation to data analysis.必威体育登录手机Every Agilent qPCR instrument, including the AriaMx Real-Time PCR System, comes with the same quality, intuitive software, and technical support that you have come to expect from the successful Mx3000P and Mx3005P qPCR instruments on the market today.必威体育登录手机We are proud to carry forward the people and product excellence from the Stratagene family to the Agilent family—ready to support you at every step.
- Brochures
- English
- 27 Apr 2021
- 9.59 MB
- Application Notes
- Brochures
- Citations
- Data Sheets
- Flyers
- Ordering Guides
- Technical Overviews
- Quick Reference Guides
Field Notes Dec 2014 HRM on Aria Protocol Tips
HRM on AriaMx Protocol Tips
- Quick Reference Guides
- English
- 08 Aug 2016
- 132.97 KB
Field Notes Dec 2014 Updating Firmware on the AriaMx
This communication will highlight how to run a software update on the AriaMx Real-Time PCR System.
- Quick Reference Guides
- English
- 27 Aug 2015
- 224.51 KB
- User Manuals
- Publications
- M.F.Romo-García, Y.Bastian, M.Zapata-Zuñiga, N.Macías-Segura, J.D.Castillo-Ortiz, E.E.Lara-Ramírez, J.C.Fernández-Ruiz, A.J.Berlanga-Taylor, R.González-Amaro, C.Ramos-Remus, J.A.Enciso-Moreno, J.E.Castañeda-Delgado.Identification of putative miRNA biomarkers in early rheumatoid arthritis by genome-wide microarray profiling: A pilot study.Gene 720, 144081 (2019).Learn More
- Kim, K., Kwon, O., Ryu, T.Y., Jung, C., Kim, J., Min, J., Kim, D., Son, M., Cho, H.Propionate of a microbiota metabolite induces cell apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in lung cancer.Molecular Medicine Reports, 2019.20, 1569-1574.Learn More
- Lass, A., Ma, L., Kontogeorgos, I.et al.First molecular detection of Toxoplasma gondii in vegetable samples in China using qualitative, quantitative real-time PCR and multilocus genotyping.Sci Rep 9, 17581 (2019).Learn More
- Beims H, Janke M, von der Ohe W, Steinert M.Rapid identification and genotyping of the honeybee pathogen Paenibacillus larvae by combining culturing and multiplex quantitative PCR.Open Vet J.2020;10(1):53-58.doi:10.4314/ovj.v10i1.9Learn More
- Valledor, S., Valledor, I., Gil-Rodríguez, M.C.et al.Comparison of several Real-Time PCR Kits versus a Culture-dependent Algorithm to Identify Enteropathogens in Stool Samples.Sci Rep 10, 4301 (2020).Learn More
- Page-Karjian A, Chabot R, Stacy NI, Morgan AS, et al.Comprehensive health assessment of green turtles Chelonia mydas nesting in southeastern Florida, USA.Endang Species Res 42:21-35 (2020).Learn More
- Masahiro Shimizu, Takahiro Nii, Naoki Isobe, Yukinori Yoshimura.Effects of avian infectious bronchitis with Newcastle disease and Marek's disease vaccinations on the expression of toll-like receptors and avian β-defensins in the kidneys of broiler chicks.Poultry Science, Volume 99, Issue 12 (2020).Learn More
- Priyanka, Ayushi Trivedi, Priyanka Maske, Chandrashekhar Mote, Vikas Dighe, Gestational and lactational exposure to triclosan causes impaired fertility of F1 male offspring and developmental defects in F2 generation, Environmental Pollution, Volume 257, 2020, 113617, ISSN 0269-7491Learn More
- Yohko Yamaguchi, Kohei Kaida, Yusuke Suenaga, Akihito Ishigami, Yoshiro Kobayashi, Kisaburo Nagata.Age-related dysfunction of p53-regulated phagocytic activity in macrophages,
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Volume 529, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 462-466, ISSN 0006-291X,Learn More - Sooho Lim, Ural Yunusbaev, Rustem Ilyasov, Hyun Sook Lee, Hyung Wook Kwon, Abdominal contact of fluvalinate induces olfactory deficit in Apis mellifera, Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, Volume 164, 2020, Pages 221-227, ISSN 0048-3575,Learn More
- Marnis, H!Kania, P W!Syahputra, K!Zuo, S!Buchmann, K.Local immune depression in Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) liver infected with Contracaecum osculatum.Journal of Helminthology!Cambridge Vol.94, (2020).DOI:10.1017/S0022149X19001111Learn More
- Egorova M.S., Kurashova S.S., Ishmukhametov A.A., Balovneva M.V., Deviatkin A.A., Safonova M.V., Ozherelkov S.V., Khapchaev Yu.K., Balkina A.S., Belyakova A.V., Dzagurova T.K., Tkachenko E.A.Real-time PCR assay development for the control of vaccine against hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome.Problems of Virology.2021;66(1):65-73.Learn More
- Link, E.K., Eddicks, M., Nan, L. et al. Discriminating the eight genotypes of the porcine circovirus type 2 with TaqMan-based real-time PCR. Virol J 18, 70 (2021).Learn More
- Petry, M.!Palus, M.!Leitzen, E.!Mitterreiter, J.G.!Huang, B.!Kröger, A.!Verjans, G.M.G.M.!Baumgärtner, W.!Rimmelzwaan, G.F.!R ˚užek, D.!et al.Immunity to TBEV Related Flaviviruses with Reduced Pathogenicity Protects Mice from Disease but Not from TBEV Entry into the CNS.Vaccines 2021, 9, 196.Learn More
- von Buchholz JS, Bilic I, Aschenbach JR, Hess M, Mitra T, Awad WA (2021) Establishment of a novel probe-based RT-qPCR approach for detection and quantification of tight junctions reveals age-related changes in the gut barriers of broiler chickens.PLoS ONE 16(3): e0248165.Learn More
- Sangho Lee, Hyo-Sop Kim, Byoung-Hoon Min, Byoung Geun Kim, Shin Ae Kim, Hyeyoung Nam, Minsuk Lee, Minsun Kim, Hye Yeon Hwang, Alex Inkeun Leesong, Margaret Minsun Leesong, Jae-Ho Kim, Jun-Seop Shin, Enhancement of anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects of adipose-derived human mesenchymal stem cells by making uniform spheroid on the new nano-patterned plates,
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Volume 552, 2021, Pages 164-169, ISSN 0006-291X,Learn More - Nii Takahiro, Bungo Takashi, Isobe Naoki, Yoshimura Yukinori.Slight Disruption in Intestinal Environment by Dextran Sodium Sulfate Reduces Egg Yolk Size Through Disfunction of Ovarian Follicle Growth.Frontiers in Physiology.Volume 11, 2021.Page 1812.Doi: 10.3389/fphys.2020.607369Learn More
- Torres, I., Qualai, J., Albert, E., Bueno, F., Huntley, D., Poujois, S., Gil, M.T.and Navarro, D.(2021), Real‐life evaluation of a rapid extraction‐free SARS‐CoV‐2 RT‐PCR assay (COVID‐19 PCR Fast‐L) for the diagnosis of COVID‐19.J Med Virol.Accepted Author Manuscript.Learn More
必威体育登录手机Agilent Genomics Biocalculators for PCR and qPCR
Various tools and calculators for PCR and qPCR simplify your workflow.Go to calculators.