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RNA Kit for qPCR

Real-Time PCR Nucleic Acid Isolation and Purification Kits

Nucleic Acid Purification & Isolation Kits for qPCR Applications

必威体育登录手机Learn about Agilent's range of high efficiency Real Time PCR (q PCR) Nucleic Acid Purification and Isolation kits.We offer a portfolio of specially formulated nucleic acid purification and isolation kits with all the reagents needed to make DNA and RNA extraction and purification from tissue and cell samples easy, fast and highly sensitive.Our kits include the Absolutely Total RNA Purification Kits, Absolutely Total RNA FFPE Purification Kits, Genomic DNA Isolation, Plant RNA Isolation Kits and more.Downstream applications of the kits include cDNA synthesis and labeling, microarray gene expression experiments, northern blotting, RNase protection assays and a host of other applications.

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