ZORBAX Reversed-Phase HPLC Columns
- Reversed-Phase LC Columns | Liquid Chromatography
Product Details
- Traditional, fully porous particles available in 1.8, 3.5, and 5 µm sizes.必威体育赛事投注With selected products also available in 7 μm particles for preparative HPLC (see Prep LC columns section)
- ZORBAX Eclipse Plus columns are the recommended starting point for method development at mid-pH and benefit from the ultimate performance from fully porous silica-based columns
- ZORBAX StableBond columns offer the highest stability for low pH applications down to pH 1 while ZORBAX SB-Aq deliver robust, reproducible separations with highly aqueous mobile phases, including 100% water
- ZORBAX Eclipse XDB columns – C18, C8, Phenyl and CN – provide four bonded phase choices for method development optimization.These columns are eXtra Densely Bonded (XDB) and double endcapped through a proprietary process to cover as many active silanols as possible.Eclipse XDB columns are available in 1.8, 3.5, 5 and 7 μm particle sizes for high speed, high resolution, analytical and prep scale separations
- ZORBAX Extend-C18 columns offer high efficiency and selectivity advantages for basic compounds in for high pH applications up to pH 11.5
- ZORBAX Bonus RP columns offer unique selectivity due to an embedded amide linkage in the C14-alkyl chain making them ideal for 100% aqueous mobile phases and for compounds that are not retained on standard reverse phase columns
- ZORBAX Rx columns are made from highly pure (>99.995 %) porous silica with a higher carbon load (12%)
- ZORBAX Eclipse PAH columns deliver high resolution separation of the 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in EPA 610 and have been specifically tested with PAHs for maximum reproducibility
- ZORBAX Rapid Resolution High Definition (RRHD) columns are packed with 1.8 μm particles and stable up to 1200 bar for fast, high-resolution separations of your most complex samples
- ZORBAX Rapid Resolution High Throughput (RRHT) columns use totally porous 1.8 μm particles to provide maximum resolution in ultra-fast and high-resolution analyses with a pressure limit of 600 bar
- 必威体育登录手机Agilent UHPLC Guards extend the lifetime of analytical columns - without diminishing performance - and use easy-to-install hardware that fits directly on the end of the column
HPLC & LC Column Selector Tool
A series of tools to help you navigate to the best HPLC column choice for your application.
Captiva Syringe Filter Selector Tool
The Captiva Syringe Filter selector tool helps you find the best syringe filter to suit your sample prep needs.
Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Selector Tool
The SPE Selector Tool helps find the best SPE based on your application, SPE format, sample volume and bed mass.
Essential Supplies Guide for InfinityLab LC Series Instruments
Discover the right supplies for your instrument to achieve peak performance and optimize your LC workflow.
- Key Literature
A Proven and Reliable Portfolio of Totally Porous HPLC Columns
必威体育登录手机The Agilent ZORBAX family offers all advantages of totally porous particle columns such as increased retention, loadability and resistance to sample solvents.
- Posters
- English
- 28 Jul 2020
- 2.76 MB
A Comprehensive Workflow for Analysis of PFAS in Wastewater per EPA Method 1633
This application note demonstrates a comprehensive workflow, including sample preparation, consumables, data acquisition/analysis, and reporting for PFAS listed in EPA Method 1633 Draft 4 and in E.U.and U.K.regulations.
- Application Notes
- English
- 16 Nov 2023
- 644.50 KB
Analysis of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Solid Samples
必威体育登录手机In this application note, the Agilent Bond Elut PFAS WAX 150 mg, 6 mL cartridge and Carbon S was used for the extraction of PFAS from soil by following the EPA draft method 1633 protocol.
- Application Notes
- English
- 23 Jan 2023
- 416.77 KB
- Application Notes
- FAQs
HPLC Fundamentals and FAQs
Learn HPLC and UHPLC basics and principles, including frequently asked questions, to help you be confident in your HPLC results.Read HPLC fundamentals now.
必威体育登录手机Agilent Launches New PFAS Testing Start-up Kits for EPA 537
The new PFAS EPA 537 Drinking Water Testing Kit (5150-1101) is used for determination of Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) using Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) and LC/MS/MS for EPA Method 537.The kits include method-specific sample preparation consumables, analytical column, guard column, and 2mL PFC free vials needed for EPA 537.
- 01 Jul 2024
必威体育登录手机Agilent Launches New Captiva EMR PFAS Food Cartridges
Captiva EMR PFAS Food cartridges were designed specifically for PFAS analysis in food.The high matrix removal efficiency of Captiva EMR PFAS Food is ideal for various and complex food matrices.The EMR passthrough cleanup provides comprehensive chemical filtration.必威体育登录手机Agilent's unique sorbent chemistry and formulation has been optimized and verified for PFAS analysis.
- 01 Jun 2024
PFAS Determination in Infant Formula, Milk, and Eggs Using Captiva EMR PFAS Food
A multiresidue method for PFAS analysis in infant formula, milk, and eggs was established.This method was validated based on the AOAC Standard Method Performance Requirement (SMPR) 2023.003.The method was used to determine 30 PFAS substances in infant formula, milk, and eggs.
- 31 May 2024