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Analytical Software Suite

OpenLab Software delivers scientific, operational, and economic value

必威体育登录手机Agilent's OpenLab Software portfolio is an integrated suite of products that includes sample management, data acquisition, data analysis, data management, lab workflow management.必威体育赛事投注These products easily integrate to work together to cover the analytical workflow from the moment the analytical request is generated until the data are archived.OpenLab software improves lab throughput and the quality of your results and will be an integral part of your data integrity strategy.

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The newest release of OpenLab CDS is here!

Get faster and more precise answers for your lab with the newest release of OpenLab CDS.Explore the latest innovations in peak integration, workflow optimization, and much more.

Stay in the know with the latest data integrity trends

Data Integrity Insights is a collection of articles providing tips, best practices, and real software solutions for addressing common data integrity challenges.Explore topics around Analysis & Reporting, Inspection Readiness, Cloud, and more.

Featured Training & Events

OpenLab CDS Webinar Series

必威体育登录手机Free webinars offering high level training of the latest OpenLAB CDS platform OpenLAB CDS 2.x provides the most complete instrument control of Agilent LC, GC, CE, CE/MS, and LC/MS instruments systems you have now, with limited instrument control of other vendors' systems.

Data Integrity Webinars & Podcasts

Series of webinars to help your lab prepare for regulatory examination.Stay informed about the latest FDA and global enforcement trends and learn the strategies you can use to stay compliant.

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