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Data loss can occur at any time due to human error, system failure, or cyberattacks.The best way to protect your lab and recover lost data is to have a reliable backup system.必威体育登录手机Unlike traditional backup methods that can be labor intensive and inconsistent, Agilent OpenLab ECM XT provides a simple mechanism to set up and perform backups of all your lab data.

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Benefits of OpenLab ECM XT backup and restore:

  • Satisfy regulatory requirements
    Generate a backup verification report as evidence supporting your data backup and restore activities.

  • Simple and reliable backup
    Set up and back up to restore your system easily with automated tools.

  • Less maintenance and cost
    Reduce storage space and costs by performing backup and restore directly to/from an Amazon Web Services S3 location.

  • Keep your lab running smoothly
    Continuously acquire and analyze data with hot backup.

Demonstrate reliable backup and restoration

During a regulatory inspection, you must be prepared to show that your backup activities are performing correctly and consistently, and in the case of an unexpected event, demonstrate that you can recover your lost data.Proper preparation and documentation are essential and will help you to speed through your next inspection.Using OpenLab ECM XT, you can quickly verify the integrity of your backup files by launching the backup utility tool or by printing a verification report to show that your files and database entities are backed up properly and/or that the restoration is performed correctly (demonstrating the success of the backup).

Verify successful backup and restore with verification reports

The backup verification step verifies the backed-up data after the completion of the backup procedure.This step generates two reports.Both reports are located in the Verification subfolder.

Store data in the cloud

Storage of the data in the system takes a lot of space and is expensive.Storing your data in the cloud helps reduce costs associated with storage hardware and management.Restoring lost data from your cloud backup is quick and easy, ensuring that operational downtime is minimized.

Learn about Cloud Storage

Ensure business continuity

OpenLab ECM XT provides flexiblehot and cold backupoptions.With the hot backup option, you can be sure that your lab data is backed up without any interruptions to your lab operations or impact to your business.

Full backup

Incremental backup

Immediate backup

Scheduled backup

Backup vs.archive

Abackupis a copy of your active data that you use to restore in the event that your original data is lost or damaged.A backup should be part of your disaster recovery program to ensure data can be recovered quickly.A backup saves all data and its properties, as well as system settings.

Anarchiveis a copy of non-active data that you must keep long-term for regulatory or compliance reasons and/or to free up active storage space.An archive saves only a subset of your data and does not save system settings.

Additional benefits

Support your disaster recovery plan

The frequency in which backups are made, or the backup strategy, should be aligned with a company's business needs and its risk management policy.

Implementing backup and restore utilities for your data is critical, but this is just one element of your disaster recovery plan.It is the customer's responsibility to implement the processes to restore the hardware and software in the event of an unexpected event.Refer to the administrative guide for complete guidance for restoring the entire OpenLab ECM XT system.

Upgrade your upgrade process

Software updates are vital for data security to avoid data breaches, data loss, or system crashes that result from using outdated technology.Still, software upgrades are often avoided for being time-consuming and expensive.With proper preparation, and a good backup strategy, you can ensure your lab operations continue to run smoothly.OpenLab ECM XT backup and restore utilities make the upgrading process easier by restoring your data to the new system or by setting up additional systems faster – expediting system recovery and minimizing downtime and expense.

Data backup and restore frequently asked questions

Get answers to common questions about OpenLab ECM XT backup and restore utilities and key points to consider.

Why should I use OpenLab ECM XT to backup and restore my data vs.other common backup software?

A major benefit of using OpenLab ECM XT, is that you can backup and restore your entire system!unlike other solutions that backup only individual projects.You can also perform backup and restore directly to/from an AWS S3 location to reduce maintenance and cost.With OpenLab ECM XT, it is not required to mirror/copy the data and there is no need to keep multiple servers.Another benefit is that we provide system support, which means we'll help troubleshoot and resolve issues related to backup and/or restore.

Can I back up my entire system while it is actively running and acquiring data?

Yes, OpenLab ECM XT supports hot backups which means you can be sure that your lab is backed up without any interruptions to your lab operations or impact to your business.

How can I verify that my backup is working properly?

You can do this quickly by launching the backup utilities tool or by printing a verification report to show your files and database entities are backed up properly.

During a regulatory inspection, how can I demonstrate reliable backup and restoration of my data/files?

OpenLab ECM XT provides documentation to help you speed through your next inspection including a backup log that shows history of regular backup, a verification report as proof of successful recovery, and backup status to show proof that back up is successful and/or that the restoration is performed correctly.

What IT skills are needed to setup backup and restore?

The backup and restore utilities were designed for non-IT personnel so backing up and restoring your data couldn't be easier.The utilities are simple to configure with automated backup and self-guided restoration.

How quickly can I restore and access my data when it is backed up in the cloud versus on-premises?

The time it takes to restore the data from the cloud vs on-premises is expected to be the same and varies depending on your environment and network.

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