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SurePrint HiFi Oligo Pools

SurePrint HiFi Oligo Pools


必威体育登录手机Agilent SurePrint pooled oligo synthesis is an advanced and high throughput production scale parallel DNA synthesis platform.The SurePrint platform has been continuously improved on and optimized over the course of 25 years of innovation and uses state-of-the-art microfluidic DNA writing technology in a process that runs in continuous 24/7 operation for fully custom oligo pools made in rapid turn-around-times.

Our new high-fidelity oligo pools draw on this core competency and are made using an enhanced synthesis process that employs stringent process monitoring and higher standards of quality control to produce libraries with extremely low error rates ideal for when applications require the highest fidelity.
For Research Use Only.Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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