Diffusion Pumps
Oil Diffusion Vacuum Pumps for Demanding High Vacuum Applications
必威体育登录手机Agilent VHS and HS diffusion pumps have pumping speeds from 65 L/s to 28,000 L/s, in an operating range of 1 x 10
-3Torr to 5 x 10
-9Torr.Our patented bulge body diffusion pump design maximizes pump throughput while delivering pressure stability and reducing backstreaming to a minimum, which is ideal for critical applications such as vacuum coating, metallizing, brazing and heat treatment.
必威体育登录手机Agilent offers a broad range of pump sizes with multiple flange options, as well as input voltages (from 90 V to 575 V) so you can find the right pump fit for your application.
Our wide range of accessories includes robust heaters, baffles, cold caps, and thermal protection switches to keep your downtime to a minimum.
必威体育登录手机Agilent offers a broad range of pump sizes with multiple flange options, as well as input voltages (from 90 V to 575 V) so you can find the right pump fit for your application.
Our wide range of accessories includes robust heaters, baffles, cold caps, and thermal protection switches to keep your downtime to a minimum.
Vacuum Tools & Resources