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Vacuum Measurement

High Quality Gauges and Controllers for Accurate Vacuum Measurement

必威体育登录手机Agilent's full range of active and passive vacuum gauges and gauge controllers from atmosphere to UHV/XHV allow you to precisely and reliably control and measure vacuum.We offer Thermocouple (TC), Bayard Alpert (BA), Pirani, Inverted Magnetron (IMG), and Hot Filament (HFIG) gauges.必威体育登录手机Our gauge controllers are compatible with both Agilent and competitors' gauges and can handle up to 12 channels.必威体育登录手机Agilent controllers come with several communication interfaces including Profibus, ethernet, and RS-232/485 (other interfaces may be available upon request).There is also the option of a portable gauge controller (HGC-536).

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必威体育登录手机Primer - Agilent Solutions for the Lithium-Ion Battery Industry

Unclear where to begin your lithium-ion battery testing journey?Need clarity on how to address multiple testing needs?必威体育登录手机Read Agilent's introductory guide to mineral, processing, cell component, and leak testing solutions and set your lab up for success.

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