The 4500 portable FTIR analyzer
4500 Series Portable FTIR Spectrometer
Compact and easy-to-use, this instrument is a good match for applications requiring fast, high-quality, reliable answers.Optics designed for reliability in non-lab environments, innovative sampling interfaces, and fit-for-purpose software provide answers for liquid and solid samples at the sample site.
- Compact & Portable FTIR Systems
Product Details
- Rugged, portable FTIR spectrometer.
- Delivers reliable high-quality answers in non-lab environments.
- Dedicated fixed sampling interfaces can be selected to optimize performance.Choose from the 4500a ATR (attenuated total reflectance) interface for the chemical analysis of liquids, powders, pastes, and gels, or the TumblIR (4500t) or DialPath interfaces for the rapid chemical analysis of liquids under ambient conditions.
- One, three, or five reflection-diamond ATRs are available, depending on the application.
- Special forensics analyzer package (4500a) identifies unknown substances, including narcotics and psychoactive substances.
- Get the longer pathlength capabilities of transmission FTIR spectroscopy in a format that is as easy to use as ATR: the 4500 DialPath analyzer has a unique cell-less interface design.
- The 4500t enables high sample throughput: simply wipe the two windows to prepare the device for the next sample.
- Method-driven MicroLab FTIR software is designed to deliver what you need—clear, actionable answers.Intuitive, method-driven, multi-language software guides users through every step of operation, while optional settings such as hazard or color-coded alerts help users with the result review.
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ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy
Attenuated total reflectance (ATR) is the most widely used sampling methodology for Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy.ATR-FTIR quickly and easily measures a broad range of sample types, including liquids, solids, powders, semisolids, and pastes.Learn about how ATR-FTIR works, the different types of ATR sampling accessories available, and their applications.
Learn MoreTransmission FTIR Spectroscopy
Transmission FTIR mode is suitable for liquids, gases, powders, and films.Learn about how transmission FTIR spectroscopy works, the different types of transmission FTIR sampling accessories available, and their applications.
Learn More- Key Literature
必威体育登录手机Agilent 4500 and 5500 Series FTIR Instruments.Compact and Lightweight Field Portable FTIR Technology
必威体育登录手机Agilent has the technology, platforms, and expert guidance necessary for successful FTIR analysis of your samples.Designed for robustness, portability, and versatility, the 4500 and 5500 FTIR instruments are well suited for diverse applications both within and outside the laboratory.The small footprint of both instruments means that they easily fit in a glove box or under a fume hood, ensuring the safe analysis of reactive samples.
- Brochures
- English
- 07 Mar 2024
- 2.12 MB
Identification of Narcotics and Related Substances with Portable FTIR ATR Analyzers
必威体育登录手机This application note describes the portable 4500a and the transportable 5500a FTIR forensics analyzers for narcotic detection, demonstrating new features in Agilent MicroLab 5.7 software.
- Application Notes
- English
- 26 Sep 2022
- 4.40 MB
Detection of Counterfeit Pharmaceuticals
必威体育登录手机Demonstration of the effectiveness of Agilent compact and portable FTIR systems for detecting counterfeit pharmaceuticals with three examples highlighted.
- Application Notes
- English
- 20 Nov 2019
- 1.05 MB
- Application Notes
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FTIR Spectroscopy, Infrared Spectroscopy—FAQs
Learn about infrared spectroscopy & FTIR spectroscopy—FAQs on how FTIR works, how FTIR spectrometers work, FTIR measurements, and techniques like ATR-FTIR
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必威体育登录手机Agilent Releases MicroLab 5.8, MicroLab Pharma 5.8, and MicroLab Expert 1.3
必威体育登录手机The new revision of software that powers the Cary 630 FTIR spectrometer—as well as Agilent handheld and mobile FTIR systems—is now supported on Microsoft's latest operating system – Windows 11.The MicroLab Pharma 5.8 software now also utilizes Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Express, supported by Microsoft until 2028.
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必威体育登录手机Primer - Agilent Solutions for the Lithium-Ion Battery Industry
Unclear where to begin your lithium-ion battery testing journey?Need clarity on how to address multiple testing needs?必威体育登录手机Read Agilent's introductory guide to mineral, processing, cell component, and leak testing solutions and set your lab up for success.
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必威体育登录手机Agilent Raman and IR Spectrometers for In-Field Drug Analysis Detailed in Wiley Analytical Science Article
必威体育登录手机The Agilent Resolve Raman system and the 4500 and 5500 FTIR spectrometers have been used in combination to provide quick and accurate drug identification in the field, speeding up the response time and keeping operators safe.Read the full article in Wiley Analytical Science Magazine to learn more.
- 08 Dec 2022
FTIR Analysis & Applications Overview
A guide to modern applications of FTIR analysis using benchtop and handheld instruments.
ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy Overview
Learn about the most common FTIR sampling technique for measuring liquids, solids, powders, semisolids, and pastes.
- Publications
- Detection & identification of hazardous narcotics and new psychoactive substances using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Anal.Methods, 2023, 15, 3225-3232Learn More
- Rapid detection of synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists impregnated into paper by attenuated total reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, J.Forensic Sciences, 2023Learn More
- Combined spectroscopy techniques for narcotic identification - Using Raman and infrared spectroscopy for in-field narcotic analysis, C.Kruszynski, S.Williams, Wiley Analytical Science Magazine, Volume 8, Dec 2022.Learn More