The Resolve handheld Raman analyzer works through opaque barriers
Resolve Tactical Handheld Raman Analyzer
Resolve's through-barrier handheld Raman capability enables safer operation by removing the need to open containers.Hazards remain confined and evidence is more easily preserved, allowing first responders to identify substances early in an operation, prior to escalation.A portable Raman analyzer built to withstand tough user environments, Resolve is deployed in hazmat response, EOD, CBRN, law enforcement, and for parcel screening at customs, ports, and borders.
- Handheld Raman Chemical Detection Systems
Product Details
- Chemical identification through colored and opaque plastics, dark glass, paper, cardboard, sacks, and fabrics.
- Analysis of solids, powders, liquids and mixtures in approximately 1 minute, with no sample preparation or consumables.
- Handheld Raman analyzer built to withstand tough user environments.Large buttons and a simple interface, designed for use in protective gear.
- Hazardous materials are kept contained—no need to open or disturb objects—and the risk of exposure to hazardous materials is reduced.
- The risk of igniting sensitive explosives is significantly reduced, thanks to the unique SORS optical technology.
- Remote control for high-risk operations available through removable WiFi connectivity.
- 必威体育赛事投注Flexible onboard libraries: explosives and precursors, hazardous and toxic materials, chemical warfare agents, narcotics and new psychoactive substances (NPS), household products, and less commonly-used chemicals.
- Customer libraries can be created and deployed using Command fleet management software.
- Reachback service available for spectroscopic support by our expert team.
Connectivity |
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Spatially Offset Raman Spectroscopy (SORS)
Spatially offset Raman Spectroscopy (SORS) is a unique way to analyze objects when the contents are behind non-transparent layers or containers.
Learn MoreHandheld & Portable Raman Spectrometers
The development of handheld Raman spectrometers sparked a step change in portable spectroscopy applications, enabling users to conduct measurements in the field, wherever required.必威体育登录手机Agilent portable Raman systems use SORS to measure through opaque containers in pharmaceutical raw material ID, hazmat, CBRN, and policing.
Learn More- Key Literature
必威体育登录手机Explosives Detection Through Opaque Containers with Agilent Resolve—a Handheld Raman Analyzer
Resolve can easily differentiate benign West African palm oil containers from those containing home-made, commercial, and military explosive materials
- Application Notes
- English
- 14 Feb 2018
- 2.45 MB
必威体育登录手机Detection of Hazardous Narcotics and New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) with Agilent Resolve—a Handheld SORS System
Use of Resolve allows the examination a maximum range of packages or containers for indications of hazardous materials before disturbing, opening, or taking a sample.
- Application Notes
- English
- 23 Feb 2018
- 1.67 MB
必威体育登录手机Agilent Reachback Service for Resolve
必威体育登录手机This flyer provides information about the Agilent Reachback Service, which supports users of the Agilent Resolve Raman handheld through-barrier identification system. It explains how the reachback service works, the benefits it offers, and includes case studies to illustrate its effectiveness in resolving identification issues.
- Flyers
- English
- 23 Apr 2024
- 312.30 KB
- Application Notes
- Brochures
- Case Studies
- Flyers
- White Papers
- FAQs
What is Raman Spectroscopy?FAQ Guide
Learn about Raman spectroscopy—FAQs such as what is Raman spectroscopy, how does Raman spectroscopy work, the Raman effect, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of Raman spectroscopy.
- User Manuals
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Resolve Receives Recognition for CBRN Excellence from UK National CBRN Centre
必威体育登录手机The Agilent Resolve handheld Raman spectrometer has been recognized for excellence as a tool for emergency responders following independent use and evaluation by the UK's National CBRN Centre.必威体育登录手机The Resolve instrument received the National CBRN Centre Certificate of Merit for 2023, recognizing the value of the Resolve instrument, and the added services and responsivity Agilent provides to its customers.必威体育登录手机The award was presented in recognition of Agilent's ongoing service and support to the National CBRN Centre and multi-agency partners, strengthening the UK's ability to respond to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats.
- 06 Dec 2023
必威体育登录手机Agilent Resolve Awarded Highest Score Amongst Handheld Raman Devices in DHS Report
必威体育登录手机In the United States, the Agilent Resolve was awarded the highest overall score amongst handheld Raman devices available in the market in an assessment conducted by the Department of Homeland Security's System Assessment and Validation for Emergency Responders (SAVER) program.In the independent evaluation performed by emergency responders, the Resolve also scored the highest in the "Capability" criterion, exceeding the expectations of all evaluators as it correctly identified samples through all containers used at the assessment.
- 01 Dec 2023
Application Notes: Use of Command Fleet Management Software to Expand the Resolve Library Range
必威体育登录手机The Agilent Command Fleet Management software is a standalone desktop software designed to enhance the capability of the Agilent Resolve handheld Raman spectrometer.Designed with simple, easy to follow workflows, Command facilitates data file export and extends the range of Resolve's powerful detection capability by enabling users to create their own libraries.
- 19 Sep 2023
Resolve Reachback Spectral Analysis Request
Our Reachback service is for expert spectroscopic analysis of Resolve system scans
Raman Spectroscopy FAQ Guide
Learn about how Raman spectroscopy works, the Raman effect, the advantages and disadvantages of Raman, and more.
Raman Spectroscopy Applications Guide
必威体育登录手机A guide to Raman spectroscopy applications using Agilent handheld and benchtop Raman analyzers.
- Publications
- Handheld Raman Spectrometers Assessment Report, National Urban Security Technology Laboratory, U.S.Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate, November 2023Learn More
- Explosive and precursor identification using a portable spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) device, Robert J.Stokes, Brian Foulger, Ana M.Blanco-Rodriguez, Pik Leung Tang, Kate Whitaker, Thierry Pope, SPIE Proceedings Volume 12742, Artificial Intelligence for Security and Defence Applications!1274209 (2023)Learn More
- Handheld Raman Spectrometers - Assessment QuickLook (March 2023), System Assessment and Validation for Emergency Responders (SAVER) Program, U.S.Department of Homeland Security (DHS) - Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) - National Urban Security Technology Laboratory (NUSTL).Learn More
- Combined spectroscopy techniques for narcotic identification - Using Raman and infrared spectroscopy for in-field narcotic analysis, C.Kruszynski, S.Williams, Wiley Analytical Science Magazine, Volume 8, Dec 2022.Learn More
- Detection and Identification of Hazardous Narcotics and New Psychoactive Substances (NPS), Ana M.Blanco-Rodrigues, Robert Stokes, Proc.SPIE 11869, Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting, Forensics, and Surveillance Technologies V, 1186908 (20 September 2021)Learn More
- View all spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS) and transmission Raman spectroscopy (TRS) peer-reviewed publicationsLearn More