Multi-Vendor Services
You chose the analytical equipment in your lab to meet your unique requirements for performance, ease of use, and long-term value.Have you given equal consideration to the vendors who service that equipment?
必威体育登录手机If you are ready to standardize high-quality service across your analytical laboratory instruments, while reducing administrative hours managing contacts, look to the Agilent CrossLab team.Trim your costs through vendor consolidation and gain operational efficiencies to benefit your entire lab.必威体育登录手机Our service experts deliver the comprehensive repair, maintenance, and compliance support you need for your non-Agilent chromatography and mass spectrometry instrumentation.
必威体育登录手机If you are ready to standardize high-quality service across your analytical laboratory instruments, while reducing administrative hours managing contacts, look to the Agilent CrossLab team.Trim your costs through vendor consolidation and gain operational efficiencies to benefit your entire lab.必威体育登录手机Our service experts deliver the comprehensive repair, maintenance, and compliance support you need for your non-Agilent chromatography and mass spectrometry instrumentation.