必威体育登录手机Agilent Seahorse XF Hu T Cell Activation Assay Kit

Immuno-metabolism is well understood to influence many aspects of immune cell response as both an indicator and controller of immune cell fate, function, and fitness.
This concept is clearly illustrated in the metabolic ramping of naive T cells to proliferate following activation signaling, and distinct metabolic phenotypes that drive effector and memory function and T cell persistence.

必威体育登录手机The new Agilent Seahorse XF Hu T Cell Activation Assay Kit is an optimized turnkey solution that detects T cell activation in minutes, providing a kinetic readout of T cell activation dynamics in real-time.This delivers a unique, early window of T cell biology, enabling researchers to quantify activation kinetics and profile modulators of T cell behavior.
Glucose metabolism is recognized as a driver for T cell fate and function.A rapid increase in glycolysis is a signature early event during T cell activation and is required for subsequent T cell proliferation and differentiation.必威体育登录手机By measuring the increase in glycolysis as proton efflux rate (PER), Agilent Seahorse technology provides an early kinetic window to interrogate
T cell activation.

Detect responses in minutes upon stimulation, providing an early window for studying T cell activation
Deliver kinetic readout for real-time assessment of
T cell activation dynamics, providing a comprehensive view of the activation
Modulate T cells with integrated reagent injection ports.Monitor responses in real-time.

必威体育登录手机Agilent Seahorse XF sensor cartridges incorporate integrated injection ports that sequentially deliver up to two reagents prior to the activator injection, allowing analysis of the acute effects of modulators on T cell activation.


Modulator 1

Modulator 2
Dive deeper with Seahorse XF cell metabolism assays to explore programs that drive T cell development and function, investigate metabolic poise and switches that are associated with T cell proliferation, differentiation and fitness, and gain new insights for immunotherapy discovery.

XF Real-Time ATP Rate Assay— Metabolic reprogramming and phenotype switching can be quantitatively assessed, differentiating glycolytic and mitochondrial ATP production rate throughout the T cell life cycle.
XF Cell Mito Stress Test— T cell persistence and fitness are tightly linked to mitochondrial function.This assay is the most comprehensive functional analysis of mitochondrial function.
XF Substrate Oxidation Tests— These tests can be used with various types of immune cells to investigate substrate dependence or reliance on one or more substrates for correct immune cell differentiation and/or function.
XF Glycolytic Rate Assay— T cell activation is associated with upregulation of glycolysis occurring from minutes to days.The glycolysis critical for the proliferation and differentiation to effector T cells can be quantitively investigated throughout the T cell life cycle.

PDL-coated microplates

必威体育登录手机Agilent and STEMCELL Technologies have partnered to deliver an optimal solution for interrogating and modulating T cell activation on the Seahorse XF platform – the Agilent Seahorse XF Hu T Cell Activation Assay Kit.
必威体育登录手机The kit contains Agilent-validated ImmunoCult Human CD3/CD28 T Cell Activator and 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG).
The immunoCult Human CD3/CD28 T Cell Activator from STEMCELL Technologies is a soluble tetrameric complex of human CD3/CD28 T cell ligand activators.It is easy-to-use and compatible with specially designed injection ports on Seahorse XF sensor cartridges, reducing assay preparation time and improving assay reliability.
The ready-to-use Seahorse XF PDL-coated cell culture microplates facilitate attachment of T cells onto the well bottom, providing convenience by eliminating the time and labor involved in manually coating microplates.They also reduce data variation commonly caused by a manual coating process.
必威体育赛事投注These products are offered in 96-well and 8-well formats as well as bundled with the Seahorse XF Hu T Cell Activation Assay Kit.
必威体育登录手机Agilent Seahorse Analytics is a web-based software platform that provides a simple, streamlined data analysis workflow for analyzing the XF T cell activation assay results.
Using this tool, Seahorse XF T cell activation kinetic data can be processed and transformed into organized, shareable summary reports and graphs in minutes.
必威体育登录手机The Agilent Seahorse XF Hu T Cell Activation Assay Kit is compatible with Seahorse XFe/XF96, XF HS Mini, and XFp Analyzers.
必威体育登录手机The new Agilent Seahorse XF HS Mini analyzer offers improved performance, streamlined analytics, and improved immune cell workflow.
Dive into the experimental strategy, understand activation potential and quantification options, and see a demonstration of utility in assessing acute effect of immune cell modulators.

Direct Detection of Neutrophil Oxidative Burst in Real-Time
Neutrophils are the initial immune defense to eliminate infections, and they involve several mechanisms including the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS).必威体育登录手机Unlike conventional fluorescence or luminescence detection methods, Agilent Seahorse XF technology enables real-time detection of neutrophil activation by simultaneously measuring the oxygen consumption rate (OCR) and proton efflux rate (PER).
必威体育登录手机Discover how the Agilent Seahorse XF platform is used to study the innate immune responses to modulators, pharmaceutical interventions, and microenvironment impact.

Measure and Discriminate Macrophage Activation in Real-Time
Glycolytic pathway dependency for energy production is a robust measure of macrophage activation.必威体育登录手机Unlike conventional end-point assays, which are used to measure macrophage activation in terms of changes in cytokine expression, the Agilent Seahorse XFp Analyzer detects macrophage activation response by measuring the proton efflux rate (PER) in real-time, providing an early window of functional information to discriminate activation responses.
必威体育登录手机Discover how the noninvasive, real-time Agilent Seahorse XF platform discriminates macrophage activation within two hours in a standardized approach.
Reference our publication database for a full listing of relevant immunology relevant publications using Seahorse XF technology,here.