Environmental Health and Safety

Our EHS management system is designed to minimize adverse environmental and occupational health and safety impacts, ensure ongoing compliance with external regulations and internal EHS standards, and meeting evolving needs of our stakeholders.

ISO 14001 and Environment, Health and Safety Management System (EHSMS)

必威体育登录手机Agilent operates under a companywideEnvironmental, Health and Safety Management System必威体育登录手机that applies to Agilent design, development, manufacturing, distribution, and sales and service operations worldwide.

必威体育登录手机The purpose of Agilent's EHSMS is to implement theEnvironmental Health and Safety Policy.必威体育登录手机The EHSMS provides a framework for Agilent's business operations to make decisions regarding their Environmental, Health and Safety activities in response to changing internal and external factors.The EHSMS is supported by key processes focused on planning, implementation, and operation, checking and corrective action, and management review.

必威体育登录手机Agilent achievedISO 14001 registrationof our company-wide EHSMS and our manufacturing sites under a single certificate in April 2001.Our single certificate enables us to more efficiently conduct the independent audits required to register and maintain certification at our manufacturing sites.

ISO 14001 is a voluntary international standard and registration is recognized internationally as demonstration that a company is effective in managing its impact on the environment.The registration is granted by third party reviewers under guidelines administered by ISO.The standard is consistent with the concept of sustainable development and stresses continual improvement.

Supplier Environmental and Social Responsibility

必威体育登录手机Agilent informs suppliers of ourSupplier Requirementsand requires them to adopt management practices aligned with these expectations.必威体育登录手机Agilent also conductsResponsible Sourcing Assessment Surveyswith select suppliers to assess compliance with Environmental and Social responsibility expectations.

Product Environmental Management

必威体育登录手机Agilent aims to minimize environmental impact of our products and their packaging.We are committed to conforming with applicable regulations related to the必威体育赛事投注Restricted Substances in Products.必威体育登录手机When you decide you no longer need a product, Agilent will take it back for reuse or ensure it is properly recycled.For more information go to必威体育登录手机Agilent's Product Take-Back program.

必威体育登录手机Working with Agilent
