必威体育登录手机Agilent Corporate Citizenship Report 2014
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Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) We applied the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (GRI 4.0) available atwww.globalreporting.orgwhen developing the 2014 Corporate Citizenship Report. |
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
GRI Indicators | |
A Leader on Corporate Citizenship | |
Uncompromising Integrity | |
Values | |
Policies | |
Sustainability Strategy | |
Philanthropy | |
Awards and Recognition | |
G4-1 | Strategy and Analysis Statement |
G4-2 | Description of key impacts, risks and opportunities |
G4-3 | Name of the organization |
G4-4 | 必威体育赛事投注Primary brands, products, and/or services |
G4-5 | Location of organization's headquarters |
G4-6 | Number of countries where the organization operates, and names of countries with either major operations or that are specifically relevant to the sustainability issues covered in the report |
G4-7 | Nature of ownership and legal form |
G4-8 | Markets served (including geographic breakdown, sectors served, and types of customers/beneficiaries) |
G4-9 | Scale of the reporting organization |
G4-10 | Total Number of employees by employment contract and gender, employment type, supervised worker, workforce by region |
G4-11 | Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements |
G4-12 | Describe organization supply chain |
G4-13 | Significant changes during the reporting period regarding size, structure or ownership |
G4-14 | Precautionary approach on principle addressed by the organization |
G4-15 | Endorsement of externally developed economic, environmental and social charters principles, or other initiatives |
G4-16 | Membership in associations (such as industry associations) and/or national in governance bodies!participates in projects or committees!provides substantive funding beyond routine membership dues!or views membership as strategic |
G4-17 | List of entities included in consolidated financial statements |
G4-18 | Process for defining report content and aspect boundaries |
G4-19 | List all the material aspects identified in the process for defining report content |
G4-20 | For all the material aspects, define aspect boundaries within organization |
G4-21 | For all the material aspects, define aspect boundaries outside organization |
G4-22 | Explanation of the effect of any re-statement of information provided in earlier reports |
G4-23 | Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the scope and aspect boundaries |
G4-24 | List of stakeholder groups engaged by the organization |
G4-25 | Basis for identification and selection of stakeholders with whom to engage |
G4-26 | Approaches to stakeholder engagement |
G4-27 | Key topics and concerns raised through stakeholder engagement |
G4-28 | Reporting period for information provided |
G4-29 | Date of most recent previous report |
G4-30 | Reporting cycle (annual, biennial, etc) |
G4-31 | Contact point for questions regarding the report or it contents |
G4-32 | In-accordance criteria used and location of GRI content index |
G4-33 | Policy and current practice with regard to seeking external assurance for the report |
G4-34 | Governance structure of the organization, including committees under the highest governance body |
G4-56 | Organization's values, principles, standards and norms of behavior such as code of conduct and codes of ethics |
DMA EC | Disclosures on Management Approach |
G4-EC1 | Direct economic value generated and distributed, including revenues, operating costs, employee compensation, donations and other community investments, retained earnings, and payments to capital providers and governments |
G4-EC2 | Financial implications and other risks and opportunities for the organization's activities due to climate change |
G4-EC3 | Coverage of the organization's defined benefit plan obligations. |
G4-EC4 | Significant financial assistance received from government. |
G4-EC5 | Range of ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage at significant locations of operation |
G4-EC6 | Procedures for local hiring and proportion of senior management hired from the local community at significant locations of operation |
G4-EC7 | Development and impact of infrastructure investments and services provided primarily for public benefit through commercial, in-kind, or pro bono engagement |
G4-EC8 | Significant indirect economic impacts, including the extent of impacts |
G4-EC9 | Policy, practices, and proportion of spending on locally-based suppliers at significant locations of operation |
DMA EN | Disclosure on Management Approach |
G4-EN3 | Energy consumption within organization |
G4-EN4 | Energy consumption outside the organization |
G4-EN5 | Energy Intensity |
G4-EN6 | Reduction of energy consumption |
G4-EN7 | 必威体育赛事投注Reduction in energy requirements of products and services |
G4-EN8 | Total water withdrawal by source. |
G4-EN9 | Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water |
G4-EN10 | Percentage and total volume of water recycled and reused. |
G4-EN11 | Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas |
G4-EN12 | 必威体育赛事投注Description of significant impacts of activities, products, and services on biodiversity in protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas |
G4-EN13 | Habitats protected or restored |
G4-EN14 | Total number of IUCN Red list species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations, by level of extinction risk |
G4-EN15 | Total greenhouse gas emissions by weight |
G4-EN16 | Energy indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) and emissions (scope2) |
G4-EN17 | Other relevant indirect greenhouse gas emissions by weight (scope 3) |
G4-EN18 | Greenhouse gas emissions intensity |
G4-EN19 | Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions |
G4-EN20 | Emissions of ozone-depleting substances |
G4-EN21 | NOX, SOX and other significant air emissions by type and weight |
G4-EN22 | Total water discharge by quality and destination |
G4-EN23 | Total weight of waste by type and disposal method |
G4-EN24 | Total number and volume of significant spills |
G4-EN25 | Weight of transported, imported, exported or treated waste deemed hazardous under the terms of the basel convention annex I,II,III and VIII and percentage of transported waste shipped internationally |
G4-EN26 | Identity, size, protected status and biodiversity value of water bodies and related habitats significantly affected by the reporting organization's discharges of water and runoff |
G4-EN27 | 必威体育赛事投注Initiatives to mitigate environmental impacts of products and services, and extent of impact mitigation |
G4-EN28 | 必威体育赛事投注Percentage of products sold and their packaging materials that are reclaimed by category |
G4-EN29 | Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations |
G4-EN30 | 必威体育赛事投注Significant environmental impacts of transporting products and other goods and materials for the organization's operations, and transporting members of the workforce |
G4-EN31 | Total environmental protection expenditures and investments by type |
G4-EN32 | Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria |
G4-EN33 | Significant actual and potential negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions taken |
G4-EN34 | Number of grievances about environmental impacts filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanisms |
DMA | Disclosure on Management Approach LA |
G4-LA1 | Total number and rate of new employee hires and employee turnover by age group, gender, and region. |
G4-LA2 | Benefits of full-time employees |
G4-LA3 | Return to work and retention rates after parental leave |
G4-LA4 | Minimum notice period regarding operational changes |
G4-LA5 | Health and safety committees |
G4-LA6 | Injury, diseases, lost days, absenteeism, and facilities |
G4-LA7 | Workers with high incidence or high risk of diseases related to their occupation |
G4-LA8 | Health and safety topics covered in agreements with trade unions |
G4-LA9 | Employee Training |
G4-LA10 | Programs for skills management and lifelong learning |
G4-LA11 | Performance Reviews |
G4-LA12 | Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees for employee category |
G4-LA13 | Ratio of basic salary of women to men |
G4-LA14 | Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using labor practices criteria |
G4-LA16 | Number of grievances about practices filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanisms |
DMA HR | Disclosure on Management Approach HR |
G4-HR1 | Percentage and total number of significant investment agreements and contracts that include human rights clauses or that have undergone human rights screening |
G4-HR2 | Total hours of employee training on policies and procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations, including the percentage of employees trained |
G4-HR3 | Total number of incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken |
G4-HR4 | Operations and significant suppliers identified in which the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at significant risk, and actions taken to support these rights |
G4-HR5 | Operations and significant suppliers as having significant risk for incidents of child labor, and measure taken to contribute to the elimination of child labor |
G4-HR6 | Operations and significant suppliers as having significant risk for incidents of force or compulsory labor, and measures to contribute to the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labor |
G4-HR7 | Percentage of security personnel trained in the organization's policies or procedures concerning aspects of human rights that are relevant to operations |
G4-HR8 | Total number of incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous people and action taken |
G4-HR9 | Percentage and total number of operations that have been subject to human rights reviews and/or impact assessments |
G4-HR10 | Percentage of new suppliers that were screened using human rights criteria |
G4-HR11 | Significant actual and potential negative human rights impacts in the supply chain and actions taken |
G4-HR12 | Number of grievances related to human rights filed, addressed, and resolved through formal grievance mechanisms |
DMA SO | Disclosure on Management Approach SO |
SO1 | Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessments and development programs |
SO2 | Operations with significant potential or actual negative impacts on local communities |
SO3 | Percentage and total number of business units analyzed for risks related to corruption |
SO4 | Communication and training on anti-corruption policies and procedures |
SO5 | Actions taken in response to incidents of corruption |
SO6 | Total value of financial and in-kind contributions to political parties, politicians, and related institutions by country |
SO7 | Total number of legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, antitrust, and monopoly practices and their outcomes |
SO8 | Monetary value of significant fines and total number of non-monetary sanctions for non-compliance with laws and regulations |
DMA PR | Disclosure on Management Approach PR |
PR1 | Percentage of significant product and service categories for which health and safety impacts are assessed for improvement |
PR2 | Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning health and safety impacts and services during their life cycle by type of outcomes |
PR3 | 必威体育赛事投注Type of product and service information required by procedures and percentage of significant products and services subject to such information requirements |
PR4 | Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning product and service information and labeling, by type of outcomes |
PR5 | Practices related to customer satisfaction, including results of surveys measuring customer satisfaction |
PR6 | 必威体育赛事投注Sale of banned or disputed products |
PR7 | Total number of incidents of non-compliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communications, including advertising, promotion and sponsorship by type of outcomes |
PR8 | Total number of substantial complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and losses of data |
PR9 | 必威体育赛事投注Monetary value of significant fines for non-compliance with laws and regulations concerning the provision and use of products and services |
<<Glossary and Acronyms | CCR 2014>> |