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- Playing Time: 00:02:08
- Playing Time: 00:02:00
- Playing Time: 00:01:52
MassHunter Software - Mass Profiler lets users visualize the differences in data and use powerful tools to delve into data
- Playing Time: 00:01:19
- Created: 28 May 2015
Discover how we developed 6470 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS and its use in food safety testing, environmental analysis, and drug and metabolite analysis.
- Playing Time: 00:04:39
必威体育登录手机Any analyte, any method, one partner - only Agilent covers all your mass spec needs
- Playing Time: 00:10:13
必威体育登录手机Shares how Agilent helped them quickly implement a comprehensive PFAS analysis solution in their laboratory
- Playing Time: 00:04:35
See how researchers are using Ion Mobility to ask detailed questions and get answers.
- Playing Time: 00:04:27
The maintenance features on the 6495D triple quadrupole LC/MS significantly enhance instrument reliability and provide peak performance when you need it.
- Playing Time: 00:01:11
必威体育登录手机Take a closer look at Agilent's latest iFunnel technology
- Playing Time: 00:01:55
必威体育登录手机A set of Agilent omics tools including QTOF LC/MS provide deeper insight into the cellular and molecular metabolic response to drug treatment.
- Playing Time: 00:45:10
PFAS analysis by LC/MS includes a targeted workflow based on EPA draft Method 1633, and, as targeted assays only cover a fraction of PFAS, a non-targeted method.
- Playing Time: 00:43:00
必威体育登录手机The Agilent 6545 Q-TOF raises the bar for mid-level mass spec performance with a new, fast autotune that increases sensitivity for small molecule applications as much as 5X
- Playing Time: 00:02:24
- Created: 31 Dec 2014
MassHunter All Ions Workflow - Rapidly screen for known compounds in a complex matrix, confirm them with high confidence and review the result.
- Playing Time: 00:01:15
- Created: 28 May 2015
必威体育登录手机Agilent'siFunnale technology with iFunnel game available on iTunes.
- Playing Time: 00:01:50
- Created: 08 June 2012
massspec, lcms, foodtesting, foodquality, qtof qtof, lc qtof, lcqtof,mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography mass spectrometry, high resolution mass spectrometry, Quadrupole tof, qtof lcms, pesticide residues, emerging contaminants, mass accuracy
- Playing Time: 00:01:30
Video highlighting the features of the RaidFire 365 High-throughput MS System with fully-integrated BenchBot Robot automation technology.
- Playing Time: 00:05:05
- Created: 22 May 2013
Making LC and LC/MS applications accessible to everyone using a touch interface
- Playing Time: 00:01:49
- Playing Time: 00:03:27
必威体育登录手机Get to know the Agilent scientists who can help you meet your analytical goals with the 6495D Triple Quadrupole LC/MS, and the system capabilities they love most.
- Playing Time: 00:03:05