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重點介紹使用氦氣模式 ICP-MS 進行多元素篩查。應用包括電池製造中的質量控製、鑒定新型食品中未知的汙染物,以及擴展元素指紋圖譜分析的分析物數量。
- Publication Part Number: 5994-5585ZHCN
- Created: 05 Jan 2023
- 12 MB
必威体育登录手机Improving ICP-MS usability with the new Agilent 7850 ICP-MS, IntelliQuant software, automated, multielement speciation methods
- Publication Part Number: 5994-2944JAJP
- Created: 15 Jan 2021
- 2 MB
必威体育登录手机새로운 Agilent 7850 ICP-MS, IntelliQuant 소프트웨어, 자동 다원소 종-분리 분석법으로 ICP-MS 유용성 향상
- Publication Part Number: 5994-2944KO
- Created: 05 Jan 2021
- 874 KB
必威体育登录手机全新 Agilent 7850 ICP-MS、IntelliQuant 軟件和自動化多元素形態分析方法助您提高 ICP-MS 可用性
- Publication Part Number: 5994-2944ZHCN
- Created: 05 Jan 2021
- 1 MB
ICP-MS 支持從半導體氣體到鋰離子電池電解質溶劑的多種應用包括氣體和揮發性液體的 GC-ICP-MS 分析、用於 LIB 電解質溶劑的 ICP-MS 以及用於職業暴露研究的 IntelliQuant 篩查。
- Publication Part Number: 5994-6227ZHCN
- Created: 20 July 2023
- 1 MB
Highlighting the use of ICP-MS with helium mode for multielement screening.Applications include quality control in battery manufacturing, identifying...
- Publication Part Number: 5994-5585JAJP
- Created: 05 Jan 2023
- 1 MB
必威体育登录手机The Agilent 5110 SVDV ICP-OES is the fastest, most precise ICP-OES...ever.It combines speed and analytical performance, so you don't have to compromi...
- Publication Part Number: 5991-6855KO
- Created: 01 May 2016
- 1 MB
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必威体育登录手机The Agilent 5110 SVDV ICP-OES is the fastest, most precise ICP-OES...ever.It combines speed and analytical performance, so you don't have to compromise on either.
- Publication Part Number: 5991-6855FR
- Created: 01 May 2016
- 481 KB
このコースは弊社オフィスにご來訪頂き、複數の受講者と講義、ソフトウェア実習を行う集合トレーニングのコースです。 ICP-OESにおける幹渉の知識や、最適な検量線の濃度範囲といった定性/定量方法についての知識、ソフトウェアの操作方法、測定値の判斷の仕方も學ぶことができるコースです。 ※【スケジュールと受講料】より受講を希望する日程を選択してください。 ※希望する日程が表示されていない場合は、満席のため申込終了、または受付開始前です。
- Course Number: ICPOES-0GEN-1001c
- Course Length: 1.0
必威体育登录手机Explore the most recent Agilent ICP-OES Application Note releases
必威体育登录手机In this soil analysis case study, AgSource, an agronomy laboratory in Wisconsin, USA, talks about their use of Agilent ICP-OES instruments to provide analytical services to local crop consultants and agronomists
Given the risks associated with poor air quality, regulations have been developed to include inorganic components, particularly heavy metals.Standard methods for the analysis of elements in air include Chinese standard method HJ 777-2015 for...
HJ 781 and HJ 804 are China's National Standard methods for ICP-OES analysis of multiple elements in solid waste and in diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extracted soil samples.Prior to ICP-OES analysis, labs are advised to use a sample...
必威体育登录手机Agilent's middle distillate testing solutions determine the composition of jet fuel, diesel fuel, kerosene, and the lighter grades of fuel oil, identify contaminants, and confirm purity according to ASTM standard test methods.
Measuring Engineered Nanoparticles and Microplastics Using ICP-MS
US EPA method 6020A is a performance-based method that specifies quality control (QC) criteria for calibration validity, linear dynamic range (LDR), and method detection limits (MDLs).Prior to ICP-MS analysis, labs are advised to use a sample...
Food additives like sugars, salts, fats, and dyes are substances added to food to make it look and taste better or last longer.Most additives are not found naturally in foods, and they may have potential harmful effects on human health.Most...
US EPA Method 6010D is a performance-based method that specifies quality control (QC) criteria for calibration validity, linear dynamic range (LDR), and method detection limits (MDLs).Prior to ICP-OES analysis, labs are advised to use a sample...
The ICP-OES analysis of TiO2 (E171) in food doesn't always require the use of HF.Discover a safer alternative.