必威体育登录手机Agilent Suppliers

必威体育登录手机Agilent's relationships with suppliers are of great strategic importance.Common sense, good judgement, and the highest standards of integrity are what we use in working with suppliers.必威体育登录手机Agilent expects its suppliers to act with uncompromising integrity and follow all appropriate global and regional laws and regulations.必威体育登录手机This also includes all Agilent policies and programs that are aligned to these requirements.Working together we can achieve strong a working relationship and meet compliance requirements together.

Our values form the foundation of how we work with customers, suppliers and competitors.Ethical behavior, honesty and adherence to laws are the hallmarks of how we operate.必威体育登录手机This is an absolute at Agilent!there is no room for compromise.

Supplier Code of Conduct

必威体育登录手机Our Supplier Code of Conduct reviews Agilent's supplier requirements and expectations.必威体育登录手机The document also gives a brief overview of Agilent's core values and highlights key elements of our Standards of Business Conduct.

Learn more

Code of Conduct

必威体育登录手机Working with Agilent
