Refine Results

Gas Chromatography (61)
J&W GC Columns (38)
Molecular Spectroscopy (1)
Applications and Industries
Energy & Chemicals (81)
Environmental (57)
Forensics (7)
Food & Beverage Testing (5)
Pharma & Biopharma Applications (3)
Content Type
GC (116)
GC-Capillary (105)
GC-Megabore 0.53 mm ID (34)
Micro-GC (23)
GC/MS (8)
PoraPLOT Q (63)
PoraPLOT U (21)
PoraPLOT Q-HT (9)
CP-PoraPLOT Q module (9)
CP-PoraPLOT U (8)
gases (32)
solvents (15)
hydrocarbons C1-C3 (10)
halogenated hydrocarbons (9)
hydrocarbons (8)
methane (49)
ethane (45)
carbon dioxide (39)
ethylene (38)
propane (35)
FID (56)
TCD (52)
MS (8)
Chip TCD (6)
FPD (2)
split (73)
valve (22)
direct (15)
chip (12)
headspace (10)
Micro-GC (12)
必威体育登录手机Agilent 490 Micro-GC (9)
必威体育登录手机Agilent 7890 (2)
必威体育登录手机Agilent 7697 headspace sampler (1)
必威体育登录手机Agilent 7890A (1)
In the Last 6 Months (3)
In the Last 12 Months (5)
In the Last 24 Months (10)
Over 24 Months Ago (187)

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